Artificial Intelligence Experts Are Already Creating a Future World. Most of us are still trying to figure out what artificial intelligence is right now. This is a technology that will have an impact on many aspects of our lives, including jobs, entertainment, and health care, but it will also confront basic concerns about what it means to be human. “What is the nature of creativity?” and “How do we define awareness?” are some of the questions that have been raised. It’s almost as difficult to ask, “How can I understand AI?” as it is to ask, “What is the meaning of life?”

A sense of overawing complexity, like that tough life question, doesn’t imply we shouldn’t try.

To assist, The Verge has compiled a reading list: a concise but broad collection of books, short stories, and blogs selected by renowned AI experts to help you better comprehend AI. While reading everything on this list won’t earn you a job at Google (though it wouldn’t hurt), it will provide you with much-needed perspective for this perplexing and exciting moment.

So go ahead and read, relax, and obtain a better understanding of the fascinating realm of AI.

“Profiles of the Future challenged our assumptions about how quickly AI could impact the world.” We used to think of technological change as a sluggish, steady process involving a slew of minor innovations that, when zoomed out, merely give the impression of rapid change.

Profiles made us recognize that there are a few key exceptions. Early chapters analyze others’ predictions, while later chapters describe Arthur C. Clarke’s future predictions.

In each case,

The technology was anticipated by a small group of optimistic specialists among a huge, vociferous group of legitimately skilled professionals who were certain that a certain major scientific leap would never be achieved (at least not on a practical timescale). As a result, tremendous technical development appeared to emerge ‘out of nowhere,’ even to most specialists.


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