Cyber Asset Management Is Getting a Makeover Security Teams. As more corporate assets are moved to cloud storage, this trend is expected to continue. The IT security management system is overworking. Firms are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats as attack surfaces become larger.

API-first and digital transformation initiatives are rapidly reshaping the enterprise technology environment. As a result, cybersecurity suffers as a result.

The potential of a cyberattack that begins with unknown. Unmanaged or poorly managed internet-facing assets increases. Traditional, manual approaches to asset lifecycle management are no longer sufficient. Which has grown too broad and complicated for security experts to manage.

Workload Unprecedented

Security personnel are overworked and understaffed due to the large number of assets. In a cloud-based business, they have an unprecedented number of assets to inventory, manage, and secure.

Researchers discovered that current security teams are in charge of around 165,000 cyber assets on average. Including cloud workloads, devices, network assets, apps, data assets, and people. According to JupiterOne’s 2022 State of Cyber Assets Report (SCAR), with cybersecurity expertise in short supply. Enterprises must help their existing teams become more efficient. According to Jasmine Henry, shifts toward cloud-native development, microservices. And scale-out design have had a significant influence on security teams.

Table of Contents

From September 28 to October 5, 2021, SCAR investigated cyber asset inventories and user inquiries derived from the JupiterOne Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) platform for one week.

Cloud deploys are becoming the de facto deployment technique in businesses of all sizes, according to the findings. As per the study, cloud assets account for 97 percent of security discoveries. Physical devices like laptops, tablets, cellphones, routers, and IoT devices account for less than 10% of all devices.

By a factor of nearly 60, cloud network assets surpass physical networks. Despite this, a review of roughly 10 million security policies revealed that cloud-specific policies make up less than 30% of the total.

Businesses used cloud technologies to aid the increase in remote work and retain some sense of sanity in company operations during the epidemic.

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