Die Einer Legende Wollmilchsau, or “the egg-laying wool-milk sow,” is a German word meaning something that does it all. The magical monster looks as amazing as it sounds. First appeared in German literature in the late 1950s. Has since come to represent anything that mixes all of your resources into a single, perfect solution. Sandvik’s Tool Data Management Systems introduced its Wollmilchsau. TDM Cloud Essentials in April 2021, making digital tool management accessible and fair to anyone. Robert Auer, head of worldwide business development, explains, “This is for all the tiny businesses out there.”

The medieval town of Tübingen is located 30 kilometers south of Stuttgart. The Baden-Württemberg area of southern Germany, among undulating hills but far woodlands. TDM Systems, a Sandvik company that excels in tool management solutions, has its offices here. TDM Systems, which began as a support section of tool-cutting business Walter AG in 1988. That has developed into a market-leading multinational with over 1,000 large industrial customers, including Boeing, Ferrari, and Siemens.

Time and money are saved.

TDM Systems’ special system, not only keeps track of every tool a company might have in its workshop. But also connects them to all connected production programs and workshop machines has saved. Its clients have had great time and money over the years.

“We connect everything,” Auer explains. “Instead of digging through documents to build a specific product and hunting for the right tools to make it. It’s just a click of a button to access all that info,” says the author That isn’t to say that smaller businesses haven’t needed them. Smaller enterprises may require them more than most.

Software that is hosted on the cloud

Because the software is cloud-based, there are no upfront costs for equipment or project management. He continues, “All you need is a computer and an internet connection.”

The subscription-based system is linked to the TDM WebCatalog, providing customers with data on over 250,000 standard industrial tools.

“TDM Cloud Essentials may completely transform a small firm. Because it provides users with a rapid overview of their tools and reduces crib space and tool expenses,” explains Auer. “Perhaps they’ve been managing their tools with Excel spreadsheets in the past. But that’s time-consuming. If you’re dealing with a recurrent order, all of the information is already in place. All you have to do now is click and go.

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